When you receive the confirmation email, it should tell you several things:

One of the most important parts for you to examine is the list of applicators. The email shows the Certification ID and the name that the DEC has recorded for that Certification ID for every certified applicator included in your report. Confirm that all of the applicators that should be in your report are in the list and that no one who should not be in your report are in the list.

Note that your report should not include apprentices, because they do not have Certification IDs of their own.

Common problems detected with the applicator list are:

The second problem will typically result in the Confirmation Email including an applicator whose name you do not recognize. The Service Bureau is sometimes able to correct mis-entered Certification IDs, especially those on a Form 26A. (We can look up the name you provided and guess which Certification ID should have been entered.) However, not all such problems are caught and corrected when the report is processed.

Errors in the applicator list can be corrected easily. Contact us and we will process the corrections and send you a new Confirmation Email.