Option A Getting Started Guide
Option D with Control Center User Guide
Options D and O Spreadsheets User Guide
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Uninstall Previous VersionsWe recommend uninstalling previous versions of the software before installing a new version, especially if you are upgrading from a version older than version 6. Uninstalling the old version is not usually required but can help avoid confusion caused by having more than one version of the program installed at the same time. Uninstalling the software will not affect any saved data files. Recent versions of the PRL Reporting Software include an “Uninstall” shortcut in the All Programs->Pesticide Reporting group, but for older versions you will need to open the Add/Remove Programs or Programs and Features dialog from the Control Panel and remove the old program from there. |
After you have determined which Pesticide Reporting Software Option to install, download and save the installation file on your computer.
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Download one of the PRL Software Options and save it on your computer.
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You may be able to run the installation program directly from the web site, but we recommend saving it somewhere on your computer and running it from there. Saving the installation program to your computer allows you to install the program at a later time without re-downloading it from the web site. |
Double-click (or right-click and choose Install) the installation file. There are several steps in the wizard; for some of the steps, you can change the default values. We recommend that you keep the default values unless you have a good, compelling reason to change them. As you click through the steps, please note the following
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Installationyou complete installation