This page summarizes the PRL reporting process: what report submitters need to do and what they can expect to happen when they file a PRL report.

The reporting process has three phases:

At the beginning of the report year determine the type of report appropriate to your business and decide how to collect the data required for that report type.  It is recommended that you collect the PRL data on an ongoing basis rather than waiting until the end of the year.

Next, choose one of the submission methods to use and assemble the report files for your business into a single submission.  Then enter or verify your contact information and submit your pesticide report.

Report processing for all electronic reports is done at the Pesticide Reporting Service Bureau.  The service bureau will send you an email when your report has been received and another one if your report passes validation.  We will also send you an email if your report requires correction.  The applicators and/or sales business(es) included on your report will not be credited with filing until your report has passed validation.

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